• 01651 842402
  • climateaction@udny.org
  • Mill of Allathan, Udny, Aberdeenshire

Udny Climate Action- Action Plan 2023-6


  1. Udny Climate Action is combatting climate change by implementing and supporting initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to sequester carbon. In parallel, Udny Resilience Group isset to support the community to be more prepared against any adverse weather and it’s consequences should they arise.
  2. The plan covers the period 2023 to 2026. Udny Climate Action’s first action plan covered the period 2021-2026 but, as the need to address the climate crisis grows increasingly urgent, a substantial updating of the plan is necessary.
  3. The plan has been informed and shaped by the views of the residents of Udny. The ideas and opinions of local people were obtained at a workshop event, attended by around thirty people, held during Climate Week North East 2023. Comment was then sought on a draft of the plan by circulating it to those who attended the event and to a number of community groups and individuals; a link was also posted on social media. Some additions were made following feedback. We would like to thank everyone who made suggestions as to what the priorities for action should be.
  4. Since its establishment in 2018, Udny Climate Action has undertaken a range of initiatives involving carbon sequestration, home insulation and energy and reuse/recycle, along with disseminating information and political campaigning. These actions have been ongoing and small scale. This plan is based on the need to:
  • continue with a wide range of one off and smaller scale activities involving the community.
  • develop an overarching plan detailing what is needed for Udny to become zero carbon by 2045 and how this can be implemented on a staged basis.
  1. Some initiatives will require collaboration with other groups and it is noted where this is likely.
  2. Udny Climate Action welcomes the support of the people of Udny and their direct involvement in various initiatives to ensure the implementation of this plan.


Home retrofitting and renewable energy systems

Udny Climate Action will:

  • continue to organise visits to homes with renewable energy systems.
  • continue to provide information about improving home insulation/ventilation and the installation of renewable energy heating systems and about sources of financial support for these.
  • provide information and canvas user feedback on heat pumps, solar thermal, photovoltaic panels, domestic battery systems and the advantages and disadvantages of wood burning stoves.
  • continue to engage with, and support, the development of North East Scotland Retofit Hub (NESFIT) as a not-for-profit social enterprise dedicated to acting as an ‘honest broker’ in helping people to retrofit their homes and install renewable energy heating systems.
  • investigate bulk buying of equipment, insulation and other materials, along with group tendering for installation.

Carbon sequestration and biodiversity

Udny Climate Action will:

  • continue to undertake tree planting in publically accessible places every year.
  • further develop the tree nursery at Coulliehare using locally sourced seed.
  • maintain, on an annual basis, the trees planted in previous years.
  • increase the publicity regarding its tree planting and maintenance work to encourage greater community involvement.
  • in partnership with the Woodland Trust, continue to facilitate planting trees and hedgerows at greater scale on agriculturally unproductive farm land.
  • support groups working to preserve green spaces in the Parish and increase wild flower coverage.


Udny Climate Action will:

  • support a reduction in car mileage by encouraging the use of other modes of transport, including the use of bicycles and e-bikes, and will campaign for dedicated cycle tracks between communities.
  • take forward ideas cyclists have for upgrading infrastructure including improving the Formartine Way.
  • continuing to explore the options for the installation of EV charge points in the Parish.
  • promote the use of car sharing.
  • campaign for improved rural public transport.


Udny Climate Action will:

  • along with Udny Community Trust, continue to run regular swap shops.
  • organise children’s ‘Make Something from Waste’ competitions on an annual basis.
  • promote commercial outlets which use reduced packaging/refill.
  • promote new developments undertaken by Aberdeenshire Council regarding the circular economy and recycling.
  • publicise how and where items and material, including soft plastics, can be reused or recycled.
  • along with other groups, explore the viability of repair cafes or similar and the potential for a ‘community hire’ enterprise for tools and small machinery. As part of this, consider the development of a ‘register of skills’.

Agriculture and food miles

Udny Climate Action will:

  • continue to promote local and seasonal food by providing information, through social media and an updateable directory, about farm shops, farmers’ markets and other businesses thereby reducing food miles.
  • promote awareness of the carbon footprint of different foods.
  • support groups keen to development allotments or ‘grow your own food’ initiatives.

Zero Carbon Udny

Udny Climate Action will work with others within the Parish and beyond to:

  • ascertain what steps need to be taken for Udny to become zero carbon by 2045 and develop a plan for this.
  • engage with the community on how the challenges of becoming zero carbon can be met, including organising events on energy transition and options for individuals.
  • raise the funds needed to both develop a zero carbon plan and fund its implementation. This includes investigating existing and new financial vehicles for supporting individuals, businesses and community enterprises.
  • implement systems for systematically measuring carbon use and reduction at ‘parish level’.
  • consider the viability of local energy systems, such as heat networks, group PV panels/batteries, geothermal, solar farms and wind turbines, as part of a zero carbon plan.

Community Engagement

Udny Climate Action will:

  • continue to engage with the community through the Pitmedden News, the Tarves and Barthol Chapel Newsletter and Facebook in order to represent the views of the people of the Parish and to provide up to date information.
  • explore additional ways of extending its reach within the community including increased use of social media and engagement with existing groups in the Parish.


Udny Climate Action will:

  • continue to campaign on issues related to carbon reduction and the climate crisis both through the media and by raising issues with political representives at local and national level.
  • continue to support Power for People, a not-for-profit organisation campaigning for the Westmister Parliament to pass The Local Electricity Bill which would give generators the right to supply electricity directly to local communities.

Final- September 2023